Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Apply effective communications techniques in a simulated interaction, Essay

Apply effective communications techniques in a simulated interaction, using appropriate tone and grammar - Essay Example One of the reasons that you are able to motivate the workers is due to your great leadership skills. Leadership can be defined as establishing direction and influencing others to follow that direction (Cliffnotes, 2013). Your leadership abilities have helped guide the company in the right direction. People with great leadership abilities are able to motivate the staff to achieve a higher level of performance that translates in greater productivity at the firm. Despite all your strengths as a manager there are areas in which you can improve in order to become a better leader. I have noticed that you barely ever ask for the input of the employees and that you always seem to want to do a wide variety of work tasks alone. A way for you to become a better leader is by having more confidence in the employees. This can be achieved by delegating responsibilities to the floor employees. The use of delegation increases the job satisfaction of employees because the workers feel that the company believes in their abilities to performed different work

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