Friday, January 3, 2020

The Legalization Of Recreational Drugs - 1551 Words

The legalization of recreational drugs in the United States is a polarizing issue that affects every American, whether they are a drug user or not. Both sides present arguments that call for changes to federal drug policy. The pro-drug side says that the recreational use of drugs should be allowed and the law should change to legalize it. The anti-drug side says that the use of drugs should continue to be illegal and more should be done to control drug use. All side of this issue have a point they want to make and it is important to understand the verifiable facts surrounding the use of recreational drugs. BACKGROUND In 1970, Congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, found in Title 21, Chapter 13 of the†¦show more content†¦They cite many cases where all of these issues have happened and where they could happen in the future. They view their side of the argument as a serious and major policy decision that can affect Americans for generations to come. Their first point in their favor is that while police and other law enforcement agencies are trying to enforce drug laws, minorities are disproportionately targeted. They say that minorities, especially African American males, are subject to arrest more often, are incarcerated at a higher rate and serve longer sentences in prison (â€Å"Against†, 2017). Law enforcement tends to enforce drug laws in areas that have been determined to be â€Å"high crime† and often, these areas are predominately African American communities. As the population of cities, especially the inner-city, continue to grow o ver time, the number of people imprisoned for drug offenses will continue to rise (â€Å"Against†, 2017). Their next point covers the government’s spending on the enforcement of drug policy. The DEA had a budget in 2016 of $2,080,000,000 (â€Å"DEA†, 2016). Of course, not all of this is spent on stopping people from doing recreational drugs, but any money spent, in the eyes of pro-legalization proponents, is too much. In 2015, the federal government spent $36 billion on drug enforcement across all of its agencies (â€Å"Alarming†, 2016). The United States spends around $80 billion per year on its prisons andShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Recreational Drugs1807 Words   |  8 Pages2013 there was over a hundred thousand drug related crimes recorded in Canada. Some countries around the world, such as the Netherlands, have loosened their restrictions on recreational drug use in an attempt to lower crime rates in their nation. The current law in Canad a strictly prohibits the use and distribution of all recreational drugs. Many people, however, question if this is the best way to regulate drugs. 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